The common expression “Pumping Iron” can be frequently heard throughout gyms across the world. A quick watch of the 1977 Documentary, Pumping Iron, will definitely “Pump-You-Up” (don’t pretend that you didn’t just read that in your best Arnold Schwarzenegger voice). We all know that leading an active lifestyle is healthy for us AND our pets. Now that we have your attention, let’s talk about a different type of Pumping Iron.
This weeks #MineralMonday Series: Part 2 is all about Iron, the mineral.
Iron is one of the most familiar minerals among our 70+ minerals in OxyNu Supplements. When asked what iron is known for, most would answer, “to help with anemia”. This is certainly true but is only just the tip of the iceberg in benefits from our mineral friend.
Iron is involved in multiple processes in the body including red blood cell production. Through this process iron also plays a key role in providing life-giving oxygen to the organ systems. As we have touched on, oxygen is the single most thing needed in living organisms not only to survive but to thrive. A large percentage of iron can be found in hemoglobin and myoglobin. Hemoglobin is the primary transporter of oxygen from the lungs to the body’s tissues. Myoglobin can be found in the muscle cells. It makes the acceptance, storage, transportation, and release of Oxygen possible in those cells, which is essential for optimal cell function.
Let’s talk immune system, which is a huge factor in the Allergy sector. It is common that medication used to treat allergies can negatively affect the bodies immune system and function. Iron is a vital mineral for providing strength to the immune system. This can be such an important thing to pets that are suffering and being treated for all types of allergies. Providing a natural supplement, such as OxyNu, that includes a renewal of Iron犀利士5mg
can provide support to a compromised immune system, without side effects.
Worries of iron deficiency and toxicity are real and important. In large quantities iron can become toxic to the cells, which is then toxic to the body. OxyNu Minerals are naturally derived and are only absorbed by the body if it is needed at that time. If iron is not needed by the body at that time, it is disposed of through bodily waste. OxyNu Minerals allow the body to decide what it needs and when, naturally.
As in our previous #MineralMonday post here is a list of benefits that come from iron:
– Brain Function
– Transportation of Oxygen
– Regulation of body temperature
– Prevents Anemia
– Supports healthy metabolism
– Immune system support
For more information about our OxyNu Mineral supplements, visit our Home Page.
If you have questions, feel free to Contact Us at any time.