The hot summer heat slowly creeps in as the sun rises in the morning. The first thing on the list for the day, pet potty time. WOAH! That hot summer air really hits you right in the face. Next thing you know, here comes the unwanted sweat. Reach威而鋼
ing for a cool water after your morning walk with your furry best friend only seems natural (after the coffee of course!). Hydration comes to the forefront of importance during the hot summer months and for very good reason. Minerals AKA Electrolytes provide the body with nutrients essential to hydration. One very important hydrating mineral is the well-known, Sodium.
#MineralModay Series: Part 5 – Sodium
Sodium is widely known to the general public as salt, which is a common misconception. Salt = sodium chloride, which is typically made up of 40% sodium and 60% chloride. Now that we have that cleared up; What is sodium?
Sodium is an essential mineral needed in the body and is key to its balance of water, therefore hydration and can in some cases prevent sun stroke. Similar to you and I, our pets can get cramps too! One way to help prevent cramps is through proper sodium intake. Have the right mix of minerals to work together in the body can also affect other areas of the body such as the brain. Working with other minerals, sodium also improves brain function.
In addition, sodium plays a large role in enzyme (brings about different chemical reactions in the body necessary for life) operations and muscle contraction. Keeping your pet active and happy.
See below for a list f benefits of Sodium:
– Regulates fluid levels in the body
– Improves brain function
– Controls kidney reactions
– Relieves muscle cramps
– Promotes healthy skin
– Maintains normal heart contractions
For more information about our OxyNu Mineral supplements, visit our Home Page.
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