A quick search online can support just about any claim that you may be in search of; on the same hand, you’ll find another write up in opposition of that very same claim. This not only makes it tough to make an educated decision but can become very confusing. Finding reputable, common sense information shouldn’t take hours on end of shuffling browser windows. Providing your pet with the proper nutrients needed to live a healthy and prosperous life shouldn’t be that complicated either. It should make common sense, “Zinc” about it.
Welcome to #MineralMonday Series: part 4 – Zinc
Creating a quick search about zinc and your pets diet can be over whelming and just plain confusing. On the first search page you will find ZINC TOXICITY alongside a plethora of supplements for your pet that contain zinc. Of course, below you will find the many benefits that zinc can provide to your pet by being present and bioavailable in their body.
Zinc can provide your pet with improved healing for skin and wounds/incisions. It is a common problem that is seen after pets have surgery or experience hair loss. It can seem that the hair and skin take months to come back to normal or may never at all. Zinc works in the body to provide the skin and cells with the proper nutrients to work efficiently.
While it may be disputed, zinc has also been known to support the immune system. We aren’t here to argue either side other than, it does not hurt the immune system. But what about zinc toxicity? While it can happen, due to overdosing in some cases, or from a modified mineral meant to be absolutely absorbed, it is unlikely to happen with OxyNu Minerals. Being picky about minerals is our job. Our OxyNu Minerals are derived from under the earth and have never been touched by rain water. In this pure state, the minerals are recognized by the body as an absorbable property but also is not forced to be absorbed. OxyNu Minerals allow the body to decide what it needs and use it naturally. Whatever mineral is not needed at the time, will be disposed of through the bodily waste.
Zinc is used up in metabolic processes such as the balance between blood sugar levels and metabolism and eliminated through normal excretion. Therefore, replenishing this mineral is important.
A list of th威而鋼
e benefits of zinc can be found below:
– Healthy Skin
– Improved Dermatitis
– Mental Function
– Sense of taste and smell
– Weight Loss through metabolism
– Boosts Immunity
– Reduced Fatigue
– Strong Bones
For more information about our OxyNu Mineral supplements, visit our Home Page.
If you have questions, feel free to Contact Us at any time.